Portland, Dorset, UK
Sam King
Beccie Dunn
Imogen Gunter
Heidi Hildersly
26th - 29th Sept 2024
Join us for the Girl Viking Pole Retreat, four days of training, relaxing and chilling on the picturesque island of Portland.
3 night stay inside a luxury accommodation castle/church with views of the sea and beaches
Portland is a stunning picturesque island with so much to do from paddle boarding, rock climbing, coastal walks, beach days , local pubs, and restaurants that are not far from accommodation.
Workshops with 4 top leading instructors from the UK!
Sam King
Imogen Gunter
Heidi Hildersly
Beccie Dunn
Also included:
- Breakfast, dinner and snacks
- 9 hrs of pole workshops
- Hand balance workshop
- Morning Yoga
- Evening sound Healing ceremony
- Massage and holistic therapies available
- Competition entry to win prizes
- Gift bags
- Photo shoot
Portland, Dorset
This beautiful island just four miles long by a mile-and-a-half wide at its broadest point, offers stunning views and coastal walks
Its isolated location, quaint villages and rocky, coastal scenery give the island its own special atmosphere, perfect for exploring
PACKAGE 1 - £685
You will experience 9 hrs of pole training, accommodation, breakfast, a welcome gift bag and competition entry to win small prizes
PACKAGE 2 - £500
You will experience 9 hrs of training and competition entry to win small prizes. No accommodation
Payment in full or a deposit of £150 must be paid with monthly instalments to follow each month.
17:30 - Arrival
19:30 - Welcome drink
07.00 Breakfast
08.00 - Group 1 Workshop
10.00 Break
10.30 Group 1 Workshop
12.30 Lunch
13.30 Group 2 Workshop
15.30 Break
16.00 Group 2 Workshop
07.00 Breakfast
08.00 Group 2
10.00 Break
10.30 Group 2
12.30 Lunch
13.30 Group 1
15.30 Break
16.00 Group 1
07.00 Breakfast
08.00 Group 1 Workshop
11.00 Group 2 Workshop
13.30 Lunch
14.00 Group 1 Workshop
15.30 Group 2 Workshop
19.30 - Drinks & Prizes